Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sports Are My Life

Sports Mega Center
I have been playing sports since I was in the 4th grade and I do not plan on stopping now. This fall I plan on trying out for Prairie Views Club Volleyball team. Words cannot express how much I love playing Volleyball, Basketball and running Track, so I'm going to let the pictures explain themselves.
My Junior Year Varsity Team

After a DUB!!




Wednesday, August 2, 2017

My Life at Panther Pride

6am Wake Up
7am Breakfast
8am Class (African American Arts History)
10:20am Library/Workshop
12pm Lunch
1pm Class (Digital Communications) 3:20pm Library/Workshop
5pm Dinner
6:45pm Free Time
7pm-9pm Study Hall
Free Time for the rest of the night

Wake up time varies
Rec until 12
12pm Lunch
1pm Rec
3pm Free time at the dorm
5pm Dinner
6:45pm Free Time
7pm-9pm Study Hall
Free Time for the rest of the night

 Sounds like a prison or a boot camp right? Well its not! The purpose of this program is to gain 6 credit hours for college, get acclimated to college, and to get to know the campus. Trust me, this program is totally worth it 
If you are interested in any computer course, visit this website.
Enjoy photos and videos from my time on campus!


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Welcome to the Life of Jazmoni Jones

(Jaz or Jazzy)

Hobbies: Playing sports, going to the movies, being with friends, singing, dancing, coaching

Favorite color: Blue, red, purple, black

Where do I see myself in 5 years: In five years I see myself happily pursing my career as a teacher and a coach and who knows, maybe I will have a child of my own.

My 3 strengths: I am positive, I have great ideas and are able to voice them, I am a peoples' person and try to get along with everyone

My 3 weaknesses: I don't have much patience, sometimes I'm too nice

Pet Peeves: Ignorance, when you ask someone to repeat themselves and they say it again but in the exact same voice level, those who show off or are extra for no reason, people who feel like they need to share other peoples business, messy people
Feel free to answer these questions yourself in the comments!
Click below to watch a hilarious video!